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Graduate Program

Prospective Applicants:

Connect with UC Merced's Applied Mathematics faculty and learn about graduate study opportunities during this 1-hour webinar. This will provide an opportunity for potential applicants to learn more about the campus, the department and the Ph.D. program. The meetings will be held on the Zoom platform, and we will contact you with sign on information shortly before the event.

10/28 at 1 p.m.: Register online

The Applied Mathematics Graduate Program (AMGP) at UC Merced offers an interdisciplinary research and training program leading to Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. We offer opportunities for students interested in multidisciplinary projects at the interface between mathematics and life sciences, physical sciences, engineering and social sciences. Training emphasizes modeling of complex systems, scientific computing, and data-enabled science, with application to solving real-world problems.

Coursework will provide a background in the fundamental tools of applied mathematics, including ordinary and partial differential equations, asymptotics and perturbation methods, numerical analysis and scientific computing. Research projects are available on topics ranging from fluid dynamics, compressive sensing, coronal mass explosions, mathematical finance, mathematical biology, nonlinear waves, solar science, and optical imaging of tissues.

For more information, or if you would like to visit the campus, please contact the Applied Math Graduate Committee via the online form.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates with a Ph.D. in Applied Math will:

  • Solve advanced mathematical problems using analytical methods.
  • Solve advanced mathematical problems using computational methods.
  • Give clear and organized written and verbal explanations of mathematical ideas to a variety of audiences including teaching undergraduate students.
  • Model real-world problems mathematically and analyze those models using their mastery of the core concepts.
  • Recognize ethical and responsible conduct and learn how to apply them to research.
  • Make an original and significant contribution to the knowledge in a chosen research subfield of Applied Mathematics.

Graduates with a M.S. in Applied Math will (thesis option) :

  • Solve advanced mathematical problems using analytical methods.
  • Solve advanced mathematical problems using computational methods.
  • Give clear and organized written and verbal explanations of mathematical ideas to a variety of audiences including teaching undergraduate students.
  • Model real-world problems mathematically and analyze those models using their mastery of the core concepts.
  • Recognize ethical and responsible conduct and learn how to apply them to research.
  • Make an original contribution to the knowledge in a chosen research subfield of Applied Mathematics.

Graduates with a M.S. in Applied Math will (capstone option) :

  • Solve advanced mathematical problems using analytical methods.
  • Solve advanced mathematical problems using computational methods.
  • Give clear and organized written and verbal explanations of mathematical ideas to a variety of audiences including teaching undergraduate students.
  • Model real-world problems mathematically and analyze those models using their mastery of the core concepts.
  • Recognize ethical and responsible conduct and learn how to apply them to research.
  • Present a capstone project that extends well beyond the undergraduate curriculum.

View the Applied Math digital brochure

View the Applied Graduate Program Flier

To apply, visit the UC Merced Graduate Division website.