The UC Merced chapter of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is dedicated to enhancing the applied mathematics mission of the university and providing developmental opportunities to its students. Towards that end, we currently run the student-led SAMPLe (Some Applied Math for People to Learn) seminar and organize social events whenever possible.
2023 Fall Semester
Time: Mondays, 2:00pm - 3:00pm (** otherwise announced)
Room: ACS 362C
Contact: Jocelyn Ornelas-Munoz <>
- Monday, August 28
Speaker: Jocelyn Ornelas Munoz
Title: Introduction to UCM SIAM - Monday, September 11
Speaker: SIAM Officers
Title: Advisor Recognition - Monday, September 18
Speaker: Interns
Title: Summer Internships - Monday, September 25
Speaker: Brandon Imstepf
Title: TBD - Monday, October 02
Speaker: Natalie Meacham
Title: Sense and Sensitivity - Monday, October 09
Speaker: Moitrish Majumdar
Title: A network model for phenotypic switching in bacterial populations - Monday, October 16
Speaker: Reshma Menon
Title: Workshop: writing your teaching statement - Monday, October 23
Speaker: Matteo Polimeno
Title: How to Git Advanced - Monday, October 30
Speaker: Hannah Love
Title: TBD - Monday, November 06
Speaker: Matthew Blomquist
Title: TBD - Monday, November 13
Speaker: Jocelyn Ornelas-Munoz
Title: Practice qualifying exam - Monday, November 20
Thanksgiving Week - Monday, December 04
Speaker: Gregory Mwamba
Title: Math & Music
2023 Spring Semester
Time: Thursdays, 12:30pm - 1:30pm (** otherwise announced)
Room: ACS 362B
Contact: Jacqueline Alvarez <>
- Thursday, January 26
Speaker: Jack Pham
Title: Linear Algebra in Cryptography - Thursday, February 9
Speaker: Jacky Alvarez
Title: Poster: Machine Learning for Classifying Images with Motion Blur - Thursday, February 16
Speaker: Jordan Collignon
Title: A method for image segmentation using synthetic training data - Thursday, February 23
Math Circle / Problem of the Month - Tuesday, March 14
Integration Bee - Thursday, March 23
Math Circle / Problem of the Month - Thursday, April 13
Speaker: Adam Binswanger
Title: Numerical methods for incompressible multi-phase fluid flows with environmental applications - Thursday, April 20
Speaker: Adam Binswanger
Title: Numerical methods for incompressible multi-phase fluid flows with environmental applications (part 2) - Thursday, April 27
Math Circle / Problem of the Month - Thursday, May 4
Speaker: Matteo Polimeno
Title: Lessons Learned from CR
2022 Fall Semester
Time: Fridays, 12:30pm - 1:30pm (** otherwise announced)
Room: ACS 362B
Contact: Jacqueline Alvarez <>
- Friday, September 2
Speaker: Jacky Alvarez
Title: Welcome and Introduction - Friday, September 16, ** 12pm-1:30pm **
Lunch with the department seminar speaker, Dr. Andy Nonaka (LBNL) - Friday, September 30
Re-orientation for 2nd-year graduate students - Friday, October 7
Re-re-orientation for 3rd-year graduate students - Friday, October 14, ** 1pm-2pm **
How to qualify - Friday, October 21
Speaker: Tucker Hartland
Title: Scalable PDE- and bound-constrained optimization - ** Wednesday, October 26, 1pm-2:30pm **
Special Event: Computational Research Leadership Council Seminar Series [flyer]
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Loe (Senior Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories)
Talk: Linear Algebra and Computing: Behind the Scenes [presentation slides] - Friday, November 4
Title: How to Pass Prelims - Friday, November 18
Title: Fellowships & Internship info - Friday, December 2
Speaker: Masato Terasaki
2022 Spring Semester
Time: Fridays, 2pm - 3pm (** otherwise announced)
Room: ACS 362C (in-person will begin on Feb. 4th)
Contact: Jacqueline Alvarez <>
- Friday, January 28
Speaker: Mikahl Banwarth-Kuhn
Title: Adventures in Mathematical Biology - Friday, February 4
Speaker: Jocelyn Ornelas Muñoz
Title: Detecting Inherited and Novel Structural Variants in Low-Coverage Parent-Child Sequencing Data Using Negative Binomial Optimization - Friday, February 11
Speaker: Jacky Alvarez
Title: Deep Learning with Limited Data for Image and Signal Processing - ** Wednesday, February 16, 11am
SIAM Chapter Joint Spring Talk Series
Speaker: Dr. Sam Ade Jacobs (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Title: Learning and Learning to Learn at Scale - ** Friday, February 25
No SAMPLe Seminar: Grad Visitation - ** Tuesday, March 1
How To: Prepare a resume and interview for positions at LLNL [Recording] - Friday, March 4
Speaker: Tucker Hartland
Title: Symmetries of Physical Equations - Friday, March 11
Speaker: Ali Heydari
Title: Residual Neural Networks - ** Friday, March 18
No SAMPLe Seminar: Integration Bee - ** Friday, March 25
No SAMPLe Seminar: Spring Break - ** Friday, April 1
No SAMPLe Seminar: Applied Math Challenge presentations - Friday, April 8
How To: Write a Scientific Paper
Speaker: Prof. Francois Blanchette - ** Friday, April 15, 1:30pm
SIAM Chapter Joint Spring Talk Series
Speaker: Dr. Lorena Guachi (BioRobotics Institute)
Title: Data-driven Computer Vision: Real-world Automation Approaches - Friday, April 29
How To: Optimize the Formula for Powerpoint Success
Speaker: Elsie Cortes
2021 Fall Semester
Time: Fridays, 2pm - 3pm (otherwise announced)
Room: ACS 362B
Contact: Jacqueline Alvarez <>
- Friday, September 3
Welcome and Introduction - Friday, September 10
Speaker: Tucker
Title: Inversion with Uncertain Models - Friday, September 17
How To: Apply for Academic Positions - Wednesday, September 22 (online)
CRLC Seminar
Speaker: Dr. Scott Mitchell (Sandia National Laboratories)
Title: Computing Geometry as a Mathematician in an Engineering Laboratory - Friday, October 1
Speaker: Tanya
Title: 3D Lagrangian Hydynamics for Shock Driven Flows - Friday, October 8
Speaker: Adam
Title: Predicting the outcome of professional League of Legends matches - Friday, October 15
How To: Apply to REUs - Friday, October 22
Derivative Bee [flyer] - Firday, October 29
Speaker: Maia Powell - Wednesday, November 3 (online)
CRLC Seminar
Speaker: Dr. Sven Leyffer (Argonne National Laboratory)
Title: Nonlinear Optimization at The National Labs - Friday, November 12
How To: Prepare for a Qualifying Exam - Friday, November 19
Speaker: Eunji - Friday, December 3
Speaker: Matteo
2021 Spring Semester
Via Zoom
Time: Fridays at 2:30pm (otherwise announced)
Contact: Tucker Hartland <>
- Friday, February 5
Speaker: Anuj Bajaj (Wayne State University graduate student)
Title: Solving a continuous multifacility problem by DC algorithms - Friday, February 12
Speaker: Fabian Santiago
Title: Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Mathematical Model of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics in a University Setting - Friday, February 26
Speaker: Francois Blanchette
Title: How to prepare a scientific paper for publication [slides] - Friday, March 5, 2:30-3:30pm
Speaker: Jared Stewart
Title: Intro to Applied Math Challenge Event [flyer] [sign-up page] - Friday, March 12, 2:00-3:00pm
Special Event: Integration Bee [flyer]
Hosts: Jacky Alvarez and Tanya Tafolla - Friday, March 19
Speaker: Bjorn Larsen (California State University, Chico)
Talk: Dynamical Chaos in Stellar Evolution Models - Friday, April 2
Special Event: Applied Math Challenge Presentations
Host: Jared Stewart - Friday, April 9
Speaker: Nguyen-Truc-Dao Nguyen (Wayne State University)
Talk: Optimization of Controlled Constrained Sweeping Processes - Friday, April 23, 10:00-11:00am
Special Event: SIAM Visiting Lecture Program [flyer]
Speaker: Dr. Genetha Gray (Lead People Research Scientist at Salesforce)
Talk: Using math skills to build a career in data science - Friday, April 30, 2:00-3:00pm
Special Event: UC Merced Graduate Student Alumni Panel [flyer]
Host: Radoslav Vuchkov
Zoom link: - Wednesday, May 5, 1:30-3:00pm
Special Event: Computational Research Leadership Council Seminar Series [flyer]
Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Maupin (Senior Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratory)
Talk: Calibration and propagation of model form error across experimental settings [Recording] - Friday, May 7
Speaker: Matea Santiago