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Faculty Research Areas


Algorithms and modeling in the areas of stochastic processes, data mining, and statistics


Computational and theoretical multiphase fluid dynamics with applications to sedimenting systems and surface tension dominated flows

Assistant Teaching Professor
Assistant Teaching Professor

Mathematics education


Analytical and computational modeling of linear and nonlinear waves applied to ultrafast optics, Bose-Einstein condensates, and solar science

Associate Professor

Fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, mathematical biology, partial differential equations, applications in biology and oceanography


Wave propagations in random media applied to biomedical optical imaging and wireless communications

Assistant Professor

Stochastic modeling, scientific computing, computational fluid dynamics, machine-learning-based surrogate modeling, chemical applications

Yue Lei

Teaching Professor

Lower-dimensional topology and geometry


Optimization, Signal Processing, Data Science, Machine Learning, Linear Algebra

Reshma Menon

Assistant Teaching Professor

Nonlinear optimization with an emphasis on methods for parallel computing

Associate Professor

Large-scale inverse problems, PDE-constrained optimization, uncertainty quantification, optimal experimental design

Assistant Professor

Mathematical and computational biology, machine learning, functional genomics

Assistant Professor

Mathematical modeling of biological systems, machine learning for image processing, inverse problems


Mathematical and computational biology, specifically in analytical and computational modeling of prion transmission in yeast and genetic structural variants

Associate Professor

Computational science, numerical analysis, scientific and high-performance computing, computational fluid dynamics


Computational science, numerical analysis, mathematical modeling applied to plasma physics


Wave propagation and imaging in complex media with applications in remote sensing, geophysics, microwave imaging and optics

Andy Wan

Assistant Professor

Numerical analysis, scientific computing, structure-preserving discretizations, Bayesian inference, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, scientific machine learning