Fall 2008 Seminars (Applied Mathematics and Physics)
05 September 2008: Prof. Dr. Bernd Simeon, Technische Universität München: Materials with Memory: Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods
12 September 2008: Prof. Lin Tian, UC Merced: Quantum Engineering of Nanomechanical Systems
19 September 2008: Prof. Arnold Kim, UC Merced: Reflectance Optical Tomography in Epithelial Tissues
26 September 2008: Prof. Kerwyn Huang, Princeton University: The Beginning of the Ends: A curvature-Mediated Mechanism for Localization of Lipids to Bacterial Poles
03 October 2008: Dr. Shawn Shadden, Stanford University: Characterizing hemodynamic conditions using dynamical, systems methods
10 October 2008: Prof. Chris Wiggins, Columbia University: Learning Networks from Biology, Learning Biology from Networks
24 October 2008: Prof. Aldo D. Migone, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale: Absorption on Nanoporous Substrates
31 October 2008: Dr. Bryn Davis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Interference and Computated Imaging
07 November 2008: Prof. Daniel Steck, University of Oregon: Controlling the Center-of-Mass MOtion of ULtracold Atoms
14 November 2008: Dr. Hannah Callender, University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications: Mathematical Modeling Leads to New Discoveries in Cellular Signaling Pathways
21 November 2008: Prof. Kai Liu, University of California,Davis: Probing Magnetic Configurations in Artificially Structured Nanomagnets
05 December 2008: Dr. Deena Schmidt, Mathematical Biosciences Institute: A waiting time problem with applications to DNA regulatory sequence evolution, cancer, and the limits of Darwinian evolution
Spring 2008 Seminars
28 January 2008: Stephen Minter, PhD Candidate, Applied Mathematics, University of California, Merced: Production and Detection of Gravitational Radiation by Means of a Two-Body Superconducting System /li>
14 April 2008: Prof. William L. Kath, Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Neurobiology and Physiology, Northwestern University: Experimentally-constrained computational models of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
28 April 2008: Dr. Amy Bauer, Los Alamos National Laboratory: A Multi-Scale Cell-Based Model of Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis
05 May 2008: Dr. Justin C. Burton, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine: Fluid Pinch-off from Superfluid Helium to Flatland
12 May 2008: Prof. Fadil Santosa, University of Minnesota: Level set methods in inverse problems and optimal design
Fall 2007 Seminars
07 September 2007: John Burke, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley: Snakes and Ladders: localized states in the Swift-Hohenberg equation
14 September 2007: Prof. Ajay Gopinathan, School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced: Cell Motility: Actin Polymerization and Membrane Dynamics
21 September 2007: Prof. Ryan Elliot, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota: Equilibrium Path-follownig, Bifurcation, and Stability Techniques for Studying Tempurature-Induced and Stress-Induced Martensiti. Ryan Elliot biography
28 September 2007: Prof. David Keyes, Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University: Petaflop/s, Seriously. David Keyes biography
05 October 2007: Dr. David Brown, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Modern Scientific Discovery
12 October 2007: Prof. Harish Bhat, Mathematics, Claremont McKenna College: Dynamics of Inductor-Capacitor Networks
19 October 2007: Dr. Mark Hoefer, National Institute of Standards and Technology: Dispersive Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
26 October 2007: Dr. Amoolya Singh, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg: Modularity of bacterial stress response evolution
02 November 2007: Prof. Eric Hillebrand, Department of Economics, Louisiana State University: Pricing an Option on Movie Revenue: Theory and Application
09 November 2007: Dr. Thomas Ward, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles: Electrohydrostatically driven flows in radial and vertical Hele-Shaw cells
30 November 2007: Prof. Alexander Kurganov, Department of Mathematics, Tulane University: Non-Oscillatory Central Schemes-- a Powerful Black-Box-Solver for Hyperbolic PDEs
Spring 2007 Seminars
19 January 2007: Prof. Boaz Ilan, School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced: Solitary waves in irregular lattice media
26 January 2007: Prof. Eckart Meiburg, Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara: High-resolution simulations of gravity and turbidity currents
02 February 2007: Prof. Hongkai Zhao, Department of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, Institute of Mathematical Behavior Sciences, University of California, Irvine: Time reversal based direct imaging method
09 February 2007: Prof. Francois Blanchette, School of Natural Sciences, University of Calfornia, Merced: Flowing drops and partial coalescence
23 February 2007: Prof. David Muraki, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University: A Resonant Instability of Steady Mountain Waves
16 March 2007: Prof. Michael Weinstein, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University: Dynamics of NLS / Gross-Pitaevskii Equations
23 March 2007: Prof. James Meiss, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder: Transport in Chaotic Dynamical Systems
06 April 2007: Prof. Eliot Fried, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis: A conjectured hierarchy of length scales in a generalization of the Navier-Stokes-alpha equation for turbulent fluid flow
13 April 2007: Prof. Alexandre Chorin, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley: Monte Carlo without chains
27 April 2007: Stephen Minter, Graduate Student, Applied Mathematics, University of California, Merced: Multiple-equilibria Traps for Charged and Neutral, Polarizable Dielectrics
04 May 2007: Prof. Mayya Tokman, School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced: Exponential Propagation Iterative (EPI) Methods and Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling of Plasma Dynamics