Fall 2010 Seminars (Applied Mathematics and Physics)
27 August 2010: Prof. Roland Winston, University of California, Merced: Will 2010 be the year of thermodynamics?
03 September 2010: Prof. Nicola Spaldin, University of California, Santa Barbara: Computational Design of New Multifunctional Materials: From Magnetoelectronics to a Theory of Everything
10 September 2010: Prof. Harish Bhat, University of California, Merced: Using Qualitative Data to Predict Private Company Exits
17 September 2010: Prof. Chris Dames, University of California, Riverside
24 September 2010: Prof. Alex Mogilner, University of California, Davis: Principles of Self-Organization of Molecular Machines: Speed and Accuracy of Mitotic Spindle Assembly
01 October 2010: Dr. Guy Baruch, California Institute of Technology: Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation
08 October 2010: Prof. Jinwu Ye, Penn State University: Superradiance, Photon Phase Diffusion and Number Squeezed State
22 October 2010: Prof. Phil Colella, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Models, Algorithms, and Software: Tradeoffs in the Design of High-Performance Computational Simuliations in Science and Engineer
29 October 2010: Prof. Jim Primbs, Standford University: An introduction to Control Methods for Financial Portfolios
05 November 2010: Prof. Mark Hoefer, North Carolina State University: Localized Strongly Nonlinear Magnetic Nano-Waves
12 November 2010: Prof. Shirley Chiang, University of California, Davis
15 November 2010: Prof. David Isaacson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Mathematical Problems Arising in the Treatment of Breast Cancer
19 November 2010: Dr. Todd Wittman, University of California, Los Angeles: A PDE Approach to Geospatial Image Fusion
Spring 2010 Seminars (Applied Mathematics and Physics)
24 May 2010: Prof. Eric Hillebrand, Department of Economics, Louisiana State University: Temporal correlation of defaults in subprime securitization
07 May 2010: Dr. Jonathan DuBois, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: Solving Quantum Many Body Problems One Pseudorandom Number at a Time
23 April 2010: Dr. Alejandro Martinez Rios, Optical Research Center (CIO): Optical Sensing with Long Period Fiber Gratings
20 April 2010: Dr. Abby Shaw-Krauss, Columbia University: Dynamics of a Gas Bubble in a Compressible Fluid
12 March 2010: Dr. Dmitry Kondrashov, University of Chicago: Understanding the structural dynamics of biomolecules through experimental data and mathematical modeling
5 March 2010: Prof. Jennifer Schwarz, Syracuse University: untitled presentation (Shwarz)
26 February 2010: Prof. Chris Dames, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Riverside: untitled graphene presentation (Dames)
19 February 2010: Prof. Julia Greer, Materials Science Department, Caltech: untitled presentation (Greer)
12 February 2010: Prof. Lonel Tifrea, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cal State Fullerton: untitled presentation (Tifrea)
29 January 2010: Mr. Zachary T. Harmany, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University: Sparsity-based Reconstruction Methods for Medican Imaging
Fall 2009 Seminars (Applied Mathematics and Physics)
28 August 2009: Dr. Jacob Barhak, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan: Chronic disease modeling software and the Michigan model for diabetes
11 September 2009: Prof. Orkan Umurhan, Department of Astronomy, City College of San Francisco: A shallow-water theory of annular sections of cold astrophysical disks
18 September 2009: Prof. Louis Rossi, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware: A high order vortex method for unsteady incompressible flows
25 September 2009: Prof. Nalan Antar, Department of Mathematics, Istanbul Technical University: Band Gap Formation, Fundamental Solitons and Vortices in 2D Nonlinear Lattices
02 October 2009: Prof. Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan, School of Engineering, University of California, Merced: Dimensionality reduction by unsupervised regression
09 October 2009: Canceled
16 October 2009: Dr. Mohan Sarovar, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley: TBA
23 October 2009: Prof. Pascale Garaud, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of California, Santa Cruz: Fingering convection in geophysical and astrophysical contexts
30 October 2009: Bevin Lin, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Davis: Ultraviolet autofluorescence microscopy provides real-time histopathology for esophageal disease
06 November 2009: Dr. Kun-Chun Lee, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behaviors, University of California, Davis: Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Actin-Polymerization-Driven Motility
13 November 2009: Prof. Karl Saunders, Department of Physics, California Polytechnic State University: Liquid Crystals and their Phase Transitions
20 November 2009: Prof. Sue A. Carter, Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz: Photovoltaics from a Bottle
4 December 2009: Prof. Johan Walden, Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley: A Dynamic Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model- Some Numerical Issues