Fall 2018 Seminars
September 14: Tommaso Buvoli (UC Merced), "Polynomial-based Time Integrators" [flyer]
September 28: Nicholas Knight (UC Merced), "Butterflies in Layered Media" [abstract]
October 5: Helen Moore (AstraZeneca), "Examples of Mathematical Modeling in Drug Development" [flyer]
October 12: Mark Hoefer (University of Colorado, Boulder), "Disperse Hydrodynamics: the Mathematics and Physics of Nonlinear Waves in Dispersive Media" [flyer]
October 19: David Saintillan (UC San Diego), "From bacteria to chromosomes: hydrodynamic self-organization of biological active matter" [flyer]
November 2: Marcella Gomez (UC Santa Cruz), "Engineering cellular response" [flyer]
November 9: Oscar Bruno (CalTech), "Numerical Simulation of Propagation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: time-domain transients, pure frequencies, and the Fourier transform" [flyer]
December 7: Barbara Prinari (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs), "Scalar, vector and matrix nonlinear Schrödinger equations: a bright and dark soliton zoo" [flyer]
Spring 2018 Seminars
March 02: Jinqiao Duan , Illinois Institute of Technology, ''Deterministic Methods for Stochastic Dynamics''
March 16: Miles Lopes, UC Davis, "Two New Bootstrop Methods for High-Dimensional and Large-Scale Data"
April 06: Chris Rycroft, Harvard University, "The Reference Map Technique for Simulating Complex Materials and Multi-body Interactions"
April 13: Adrian Sandu, Virginia Tech, "Multimethod Time Discretizations for the Efficient Solutions of
Multiphysics Problems" -
April 27: Third Central Valley SIAM Student Chapter Conference
Invited speaker Matthias Heinkenschloss, Rice University, "Optimization of Engineering Systems Modeled by Partial Differential Equations" -
May 04: Joseph Biello, UC Davis, "The Mathematics of Tropical Waves"
Fall 2017 Seminars
September 1: Noemi Petra, UC Merced, "Mean-variance Risk-averse Optimal Control of Systems Governed by PDEs with Random Parameter Fields Using Quadratic Approximations"
September 15: Boyan Lazarov, Technical University of Denmark and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "On The Length Scale, Robustness And Manufacturability In Topology Optimization"
September 22: Arnold Kim, UC Merced
October 13: Tamara Kolda, Sandia National Laboratory
October 27: Ajay Gopinathan, UC Merced, "Geometric Incompatibility and Biological Function of Protein Filaments"
November 16: Nathan Kutz, University of Washington, "Data-driven Discovery of Governing Equations and Physical Laws"
December 1: Mark Alber, UC Riverside, "Multi-scale Mechanisms of Blood Clot Deformation and Contraction"
Spring 2017 Seminars
March 10: Vu Thai Luan, UC Merced, "Efficient Exponential Time Integration for Stiff PDEs: Construction and Applications"
March 24: Vrushali Bokil, Oregon State University, "Dispersion Minimized Compatible Discretizations for Maxwell’s Equations in Linear Dispersive Materials"
April 7: Second Central Valley SIAM Student Conference
Special Seminar Speaker Prof. Daniela Calvetti, Case Western Reserve University, "Uncertainty Quantification and Numerical Analysis: Interactions and Synergies"
April 14: Michael Minion, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, "Iterative, Multi-level, and Time-Parallel Methods for Temporal Integration of Complex PDEs"
April 21: Shilpa Khatri, UC Merced
April 28: Ilker Kocyigit, University of Michigan, "l1-based optimization methods in array imaging and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)"