Wednesday: Mathematical Biology seminar (contact Erica Rutter)
9:00am-10am in ACS 362C and broadcast via Zoom
Speaker: Nessy Tania, Principal Quantitative Systems Pharmacologist, Early Clinical Division, Pfizer Worldwide Research, Development, and Medical
Title: Shaping Your Own Career as an Applied Mathematician
Abstract: In this talk, I will share some of my personal journey as a math biologist and applied mathematician who had pursued a tenure-track position in academia and is now working as a research scientist in the biopharma industry. I will discuss similarities and differences, rewards and challenges that I have encountered in both positions. On a more practical aspect, I will discuss how current trainees can prepare for a career in industry (specifically biopharma) and how to seek those opportunities. I will also describe the emerging field of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP): its deep root in mathematical biology and how it is currently shaping the drug development process. Finally, I will share some of my own ongoing work as a QSP modeler who is supporting the Rare Disease Research Unit at Pfizer. As a key takeaway, I hope to share that there are multiple paths to success and a rewarding and stimulating career in applied mathematics.